About Us

The Down Syndrome Family Support and Advocacy Group (DSFSAG), also referred to as Michiana Down Syndrome, was formed by parents in the 1980s. We are a 100% volunteer, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. We proudly serve St. Joseph, Marshall, La Porte, Starke, and Elkhart Counties in Indiana, and Cass, St. Joesph, and Berrien Counties in Michigan. 

Our Mission

The mission of Michiana Down Syndrome is to help improve the lives of individuals with Down syndrome and their families through advocacy, education, research, and fellowship.

Our Vision

The vision of Michiana Down Syndrome is to help foster a community of acceptance which promotes the best opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome in helping them to achieve their greatest potential and realize their dreams.


We are primarily funded by our annual Michiana Down Syndrome Festival & Walk. Other sources of funding are special events and donations. The organization is 100% volunteer, which means that all funds go to our services and programs. The funds we raise are used for our local group and research.


Our funding implements our Mission and Vision through

1.  Family Grants:  Offered annually to families to help with medical, developmental or organized recreational program/therapy expenses for the member with Down syndrome. Families are required to download the form from our website and submit it along with their receipts for the grant.

2.  Welcome Bags: These bags of supportive materials are available to all new babies’ families.  

3.  Family Support Group Meetings:  We offer monthly meetings for age-specific groups: birth to 7, 8 to 12, and teen to adult. Some of the meetings are held at the Down Syndrome Resource Center, others are out in the community.    

4.  Marilyn Casper Educational Scholarship:  $1000 scholarship available for any individual with Ds who attends a secondary education program. Click here to download the application. 

5.  Research:  We donate to Down syndrome cognition research annually. Visit our research page for additional details on various Ds research organizations.  

6.  Holiday Parties:  We host three or four family parties each year. 

7.  Birthday cards:  Sent to each member with Ds along with a $5 gift card.  Please let us know if you want your family member included.

8.  Moms’ Night Out & D.A.D.S. Night Out: Held monthly at local restaurants in the Michiana and St. Joseph-Benton Harbor area for dinner. We give each one who comes $10 towards the cost of their meal.

9.  Prenatal Education: We are partnering with some members of our community to provide prenatal information about Down syndrome that is accurate and positive. 

10. Legislative efforts/National issues: We believe that in order to best serve our members, we need to keep abreast of current research, best practice methods for education, prenatal awareness, adult issues, fundraising methods, etc.

11. Resource Center:  The Michiana Down Syndrome Resource Center is located at 2448 Miracle Lane A in the Town and Country Shopping Centre in Mishawaka. The Center serves as our business office and a meeting place for our parent groups and small events. Since the group is run by volunteers, the Center is open only if we are there working , during events, or by appointment. Please call us at 574-334-7734 for information and hours.

13.  Hispanic Outreach: We currently have printed materials in Spanish and a Spanish speaking contact.



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