Contact Us


Phone: 574-334-7734

Regular mail: DSFSAG PO Box 1454, Granger, IN 46530

Down Syndrome Center: 2448 Miracle Ln McKinley Town & Country Shopping Centre Mishawaka, IN 46545

Network with other local families through our Google Group: If you would like to join the Google Group for Michiana Down Syndrome, click here: Michiana Down Syndrome Google Group. This is a great place to talk to other parents in the area, ask questions, share experiences and feelings, and learn new things about Down syndrome.  If you are not familiar with a Google Group, it is nothing more than email system which connects all the subscribers.   What makes this different than your standard email is that every time one member sends an email to the Michiana Down Syndrome Google Group, everyone who is a member of the listserv  receives the message simultaneously.  Which means, if you have a question,you can ask everyone in the area for help with one quick easy email.

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last updated 7/20/2021

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