“We focus on helping people with developmental and physical disabilities live, learn, work, play and achieve the same as anyone else.”

ARC of Indiana

ASK  (About Special Kids)
“We are the place for families and professionals in Indiana to go to “ASK” questions about children with special needs and to access information and resources about a variety of topics such as health insurance, special education, community resources and medical homes.”

Behavior Analysis Center for Autism: BACA

Beds by George
“family owned company that builds beautiful, safety beds for special needs children, youth and adults as well as handicapped, disabled and medically fragile individuals who need extra fall and entrapment protection while in bed.”

Chiara Home
“Chiara Home is a not-for-profit organization that provides out-of-home respite care services for people with special needs.”

Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc (4C’s)
“Community Coordinated Child Care increases the quality and accessibility of child care by providing families, early childhood professionals,
and the community with developmental opportunities, child care referrals, and support services.”

“Providing high quality, community-based supports to people with developmental disabilities.”

Family and Social Service Administration: Division of Disability and Rehab Services
“Our mission is to facilitate effective partnerships which enhance the quality of life for the people we serve in the communities and pursuits of their choice.”

First Steps
First Steps is the State of Indiana’s early intervention system. Programs serves families with infants and toddlers (ages birth to three).

Indiana Family 2 Family Network
Information and Referral;  Education; and  Support for families with children with disabilities

Hannah and Friends
Non profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with special needs.

Lighthouse Autism Center

Logan Center
Provides resources and opportunities for people with disabilities

Make a Difference Michiana
Face Book Page for all the information you need about non-profit organizations in the Michiana area

Share Foundation with the Handicapped
185-acre community, Sharing Meadows, provides a tranquil place for other-abled adults to live, work, and relax in peace and dignity

Sonya Ansari Center for Autism
The Ansari Center for Autism offers programs for children, teens, parents and families, and professionals.


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