Expecting a Baby with Down syndrome?
If you are visiting this page because you have just received a diagnosis of Down syndrome (Ds) for your unborn baby, your emotions might be very mixed: you love your baby, but you may have a lot of anxiety/fear/sadness when you think about what his/her life will be like. That is a very natural reaction, but it is important to realize that you will not always feel the way that you did when you first received the news. As you get to know your baby, you will realize that he or she is a baby first, and, in many respects, is more like other babies than different. The members of the Down Syndrome Family Support and Advocacy Group remember what it was like to find out that our children had Ds, but since we are ahead of you on this journey, we also can help you see that life with a child who has Ds can be (and usually is) a joyful, rich experience. Congratulations! You will be amazed at what this child will teach you.
Global Down Syndrome and the National Down Syndrome Congress have collaborated on a prenatal testing information booklet. It is very user-friendly, and available free online here . For a free print copy(English or Spanish), contact info@michianadownsyndrome.org
If you would like to talk to another parent who has a child under the age of 3, or would like a free copy of a book entitled “Understanding a Down Syndrome Diagnosis“ , contact us.
Contact us for a New Parent bag with books and articles about Ds, in addition to gifts for your baby.
Down Syndrome Pregnancy is a program administered by the National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Resources at the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute. We provide honest, compassionate, medically-reviewed, and informative support for those preparing for the birth of a baby with Down syndrome.