Family Support

Family Support

The Down Syndrome Family Support and Advocacy Group (also known as Michiana Down Syndrome, since our service area covers areas in both IN and MI) offers on going support to families in many ways. We have monthly family support meetings where we may get together for a meal and fellowship with other families, or have a speaker address the group. Once a year, we have a Talent Show to showcase the talents of our members with Down syndrome. We also have an annual party to welcome new families to our group. Check the calendar for upcoming events. Contact us if you would like to receive our newsletter.
Our group has a yahoogroups listserv that we use to keep in contact with each other, give and ask for advice, get doctor referrals, plan get-togethers, share news items about Down syndrome, etc. MichianaDownSyndrome@yahoogroups If you need help to sign up, just contact us.
All of the services we provide for our families are free of charge, and are funded primarily by our annual Michiana Walk for Down Syndrome.

last updated 1/3/2016 sp


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